Fascine mattress / crib
Extensive experience
Fascine mattresses are made up of wedges. These are bundles of twisted willow wood, which are tied into mats with biodegradable lashing rope. They have been used for over 100 years to protect soils and banks against erosion by water. In road construction they prevent subsidence. Fascine mattresses can also be made with plastic cloth: geotextile or bentonite.
Van Aalsburg BV has knowledge and experience for the traditional manufacture of all types of constructions: Fascine mattress for bottom protection and crib for bank protection.
Different types of fascine mattresses
Fascine mattresses (Classic)
Fascine mattresses with bentonite
Fascine mattresses with geotextile
Classic fascine mattresses are often big and enormously heavy. That is why they are made on pipes, which enables them to slide smoothly and undamaged into the water. A tugboat or crane ship can move the fascine mattress to the desired location with tow lines.
First of all, a framework of faggots is constructed for the first layer, and then a second layer at right angles to the first. Each intersection is secured with lashing rope, which also forms the basis for further tying the brushwood to the fascine mattress. The lashing rope contains sisal-polypropylene which tightens when wet.
Sustainability and environmental friendliness
Next, brushwood bundles are evenly distributed between the top layer of faggots to a thickness of 10 to 15 cm. A second layer of brushwood is placed on top of these, at right angles to the first layer. The customer determines the thickness of the faggots and the layer of brushwood. The customer could be: Rijkswaterstaat (Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management), a municipality or a contractor.
Frequently Asked Questions
Fascine mattresses protect embankments and riverbeds from erosion.
Fascine mattresses are made from faggots (bundles of willow branches), sometimes combined with geotextile or bentonite. They are sunk by dumping basalt rocks onto them.
The fascine mattress is attached to a float. A crane boat tows the float to the destination. The top end of the fascine mattress is sunk using a sinking beam and the rest by dumping rocks onto it.
Trusted by thousands of customers for over 50 years
WRSL on the Linge
Van Aalsburg B.V. carried out a large number of activities for Waterschap Rivierenland from September 2019 to January 2020.
Flood protection Ooijen-Wanssum
Commissioned by Mooder Maas, we have made the Ooijen-Wanssum area development more water-safe.