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Van Aalsburg B.V. working on the future of tomorrow

Modern family business since 1964 where innovation, craftsmanship, sustainability and excellent customer satisfaction come together in the extensive service

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150 hectares of own products
Increased efficiency with unique machinery
More than 55 years of experience
Environmentally conscious entrepreneurship

Third generation family business with high-quality willow products

Van Aalsburg B.V. is a unique willow timber supplier whose craft has been passed down from father to son(s). The company has grown to become a large, dynamic family business consisting of six very committed brothers. This international company lives and breathes as one big family in everything it does, together with some 80 motivated specialists. And they all have the same goal.

  • 150 hectares of own products
    and more than 55 years of experience
  • Increased efficiency
    with unique machinery
  • Environmentally conscious entrepreneurship
    • Blue diesel 89% less CO 2 emissions
    • Highest achievable level on CO 2 performance ladder
    • We compensate 3,300 tons of CO2 per year!
    • 100% self-sufficient through solar panels
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